missions and suffering
Monday, 26 February 2007 0 comments

i like to read or listen to stories by missionaries - it makes god become so real and life so precious to me. after every story, i become more inspired to make my own life count. i also become more aware of the way i am living my life and i would feel bad enough to wish to change it so that it is more worthy of what god has done for mankind, including me.

in most of the stories about missionaries, there is always the portrayal of courage - their ability to stay positive regardless of what situation they may be in or facing. it could be a case of feeling loneliness or homesick, but the missionary would still carry on with the work he has to do. it could be a case of fear - in a life threatening environment - but the missionary would not let it hinder him from working with the community.

all these "sufferings" that a missionary can go through slowly but gradually emerging victoriously, essentially will point to the greatness of god in his life. from the writings of the events one will see and understand the relationship between the missionary and his god that will surely lead to a sense of marvel at the extent of this relationship.

to arrive at this high level of conviction, there is usually a moment in the missionary's life that has become the time when something that has the greatest life changing effect takes place. so it is no wonder why christianity should be termed by some as a life changing religion. embracing this religion "in spirit and in truth" would really involve a total change in one's lifestyle.

we certainly need models of christian martyrs. i like the way john piper depicted martyrdom in the christian faith - a martyr dies in the hands of those he wanted to save, and a martyr does not die because he pursues death but love. hence the gospel of christ is advanced, and life is brought about by the sufferings of these martyrs.

i wish to think that a christian who truly lives his life worthy of the cross will face some kind of persecution and hence will go through some sort of suffering. john piper wants christian readers to be prepared all the time with the thought that they will be "called" to suffer with christ. he wrote : "afflictions are our (a christian's) vocation, whether.... missionaries or not."

the next question : does god deliberately "send" sufferings to a christian? to me god is sovereign and in control of all that happens in my life. just as i believe he blesses me, i must also accept the fact that he is also the one who can give me trials. both blessings and trials are meant to enrich my life, to strengthen my faith in him, to deepen the intimacy of our relationship and to prepare me for service to him. with this thought, i should not feel too good if my life is always smooth sailing. nor should i let complacency set in and make my faith in him become lukewarm.

after all the ideas of suffering, i am glad to read from john piper about the presence of true and great joy in all missionaries. the awesome power of god's love in the lives of all who have suffered had translated into experiences of joy in each and every one of them. when i read this, i am indeed motivated to want to have this same experience of abundant joy which would also mean tasting a very deep and intimate relationship with christ. what more can anyone ask for?

am i prepared to live a life truly worthy of god’s calling for me in the area of missions? am i ready to accept that suffering will be a part of this life if i choose to tread on it? or am i going to be satisfied with living a life just knowing about missions and what other missionaries did? i pray that god will confirm this calling in my life. only he can satisfy and help me complete the search that has begun inside me.

where is god?
Wednesday, 21 February 2007 0 comments

"....that they should seek god, in the hope that they might feel after him and find him."

not a search for a distant deity - he is very near for those who seek him.
"....yet he is not far from each one of us."

searching to do something more meaningful with my life

desiring god
after the storm antique religion biblical foundations historia ecclesiastica esv blog stand to reason between two worlds


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