A memory in eternity
Saturday, 27 September 2008 0 comments

You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapour that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
[James 4:14 , NASB]

Life Is Short. Eternity Is Long.

We will exist forever. With our god, we can either stay as friends on his terms, or enemies on ours. This will be proven as we live our lives in this life. And the phrase tells us that our life is a vapour. A few seconds, and we will be gone. Surely when God says this, He wants to remind us to make our time on earth count for something significant.

Another thought : life is short and eternity is long - very very long. - too long a time for us to regret a wasted life.

Hence another thought : Is there regret in heaven?

But Revelation 21:4 tells us : “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be
mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

No mourning? No crying? The former things have passed away?

Which brings me to another question : Will we not remember what we did? Will we not remember and then as we face for God, will we then not feel utterly sorry for what we did? When we meet Him in person, will we not be able to remember our terrible deeds and then bow before Him to ask for His forgiveness? And then as we realise at that moment when we are in His presence, we cannot but be filled with joy and truly understand what He has done when He died on the cross. Like according to what is written in Revelation 5:9,the saints will sing “a new song, saying,‘Worthy are you to
take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and
by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation

I think I will be crying - my tears flowed out will be tears of joy - but how about tears of regrets? Regrets that my life had not been lived to sufficiently give my God the glory and honour He deserves for what He has prepared for me in Heaven.

I think I will have some memory of my sins and iniquities against God. I have to have this to be able to fully appreciate what Jesus died for. And then I will worship and sing praises to Him - with all my soul, all my mind and with all my heart.

I will feel regrets, when I remember my sins and the suffering of Christ - but I will also feel true joy. This joy will be intensified in grace by my memories of my unworthiness and His tremendous mercy.

There will be regrets in heaven but it will not destroy the beauty of that place.

I have only one life. And this one life is going to be a very short one. But I will have an eternity - a very very long one. An eternity to look back on my life and to remember everything.

I'd better make the most out of it.

Where is god?
Tuesday, 2 September 2008 0 comments

Where is god when it hurts and hurts so deeply?

Where is god in a place like Bangkok?

Where is god in the hearts of those who call themselves believers?

Where is god when there is so much injustice?

I can go on asking all these questions and more forever and ever and ever....

However I finally have to ask myself this question:-

Where is god in my own life?

Perhaps it's until I answer this question, then god will reveal to me the answers to all the other questions?

searching to do something more meaningful with my life

desiring god
after the storm antique religion biblical foundations historia ecclesiastica esv blog stand to reason between two worlds


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designer: ambivalente
brushes: fm.net
lyrics: getty