Be Still and know that He is God.
Friday, 10 April 2009 0 comments

For the whole of last night I had been very busy - trying to piece together all the facts for the report that I had to submit before the day ends. I wanted everything to be perfect, and I was already working into the wee hours of the night.

Suddenly, it dawned on me that I was exhausted. I simply couldn't work as long as I wanted to. I wished I had all the energy and stamina to last forever but I realised this is not going to be, I am only human and this body of mine is going to wear out and one day I will collapse!

A scripture from Psalm 46 popped into my mind. "Be still, and know that I am God." I realised that I had not spent enough time in prayer lately. I guess I was too busy to even utter a simple word of thanks to God. Suddenly, the thought of being quiet came - I longed for a few minutes alone with God.

"Be still and know that I am God". As I walked towards my favourite and comfortable armchair, I repeated these words to myself.

I want to be still and let God take over my thoughts. I want to be quiet and let Him fill my mind.

"Where's the quiet time?" I asked God. This is impossible, I thought. There's no time to be still and to know that God is with me. There's too much going on in the world and entirely too much activity all around me.

Then it suddenly dawned on me. God was speaking to me the entire time I was attempting to be still. He caused me to think about Him when I tried to focus on Him. He helped me understand that I needed Him most in the midst of my busy-ness and hectic schedules.

Every word, every image used for God is a distortion more than a description.

Then how does one speak to God?

Through Silence.

How then, do we hear God when He speaks?

Listen to the Silence.

searching to do something more meaningful with my life

desiring god
after the storm antique religion biblical foundations historia ecclesiastica esv blog stand to reason between two worlds


long time ago
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December 2012

designer: ambivalente
lyrics: getty