Proverbs 3 : 5 & 6
On this day, I am reminded of the painful experiences that have come my way.
In retrospect, these experiences have really taught me a lot and made me understand that discipline and honesty were and still are the two things that will get me through everything.
There is a price to pay for every careless mistake. Yes, the pain sometimes seems greater than I can bear. Until the comfort of the word rings out from Proverbs chapter 3:5&6 "
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path"
I now realise the foolishness of putting my trust in people and in things. The folly of following my heart and be misled by those with sweet lips.
Also the folly of being careless and trusting in my own intellect.
With much regret I wish that I could go back and undo what has already been done! Despair and depression had surrounded me constantly, and hope in all things seemed to have faded.
I wish to go on believing that every painful experience, every disappointment are going to be the tools to sharpen and refine me. To build up my resilience, to lengthen my perseverance, so that I can go on living my life. Not just any life, but one that would count.
I will no longer ask why I have been "chosen", to be the abandoned lonely one, the one nobody else would ever understand. I want to believe that these experiences will bring me to my place of destiny, wherever this might be. My prayer for myself now and always will be that my god will continue to be kind to impart to me endurance to hold on in all that I am to go through.